Saturday, July 17, 2010

tasty paris-9

We met great people at tables. We enjoyed conversations with Japanese people at table next to us "if we knew the dish was this huge, we could have shared!". Some french madams "I can take picture of you two. Be close, be romantic! It's Paris!"
Food was great and these conversations made meals even better.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

design paris-8

Rental bikes looked good, but I preferred the pace of walking. To observe the details of people and the city. This is the best part of trip.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Sweet paris-7

My new friend told me about La Patisserie des Rêves. I bought one slice of tarte tatin and the staff wrapped it up in a cute pink box and bag. Other patisseries were usually casual and wrapped cakes with a sheet of paper - well it was fine with me though.
The apple flavor was very strong and thick.
Here is pink again. Chic but pop colors everywhere. People aren't afraid to enjoy colors here.

street paris-6

Paris's streets are smokey with cigarettes and exhausts. Stone bricks and little passages made me feel cool and let me breath. I just walked and walked until I couldn't walk anymore.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

sewing paris-5

My mom was in Paris around the same time. I wonder what my mom saw there.
People in Paris are chic as I expected. The fashion was architectural and classy.
I bought some dresses by Russian designer.

Monday, July 12, 2010

old paris-4

The flea markets are like museum of ethnology on the streets.
Madame and Monsieur are very interesting too.

Friday, July 9, 2010

peeking paris-3

Walking around the little streets in the city. I love what I can see through the narrow approaches of the entrances. I totally understand cats' feeling when they are in between something. This makes me feel good. There are a lot of them in Paris.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

tasty paris-2

Friends took us to merci and a nice restaurant Glou. The food was sophisticated and sensitively seasoned.

We had a great crepe dinner at west country girl with other friends. I loved their dessert crepe which had a whole baked apple, ice cream and caramel sauce.

Glou 101, rue Vieille du Temple-75003 paris
west country girl 6, passage Saint Ambroise paris

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

sweet paris-1

My second trip to Paris. Friends, new friends and tasty conversation and food. And sweet sweets everywhere! tres bien!